[v1.0.10] Free Download Gravity Perks Multi Page Form Navigation Add-On Free
Fixed compatibility issue with GF 2.5 and conditional logic.
This snippet can add the multi-page form navigation functionality to any form with multiple pages. Only forms using the Steps progress indicator will have the page steps converted into page links. For forms using the Progess Bar or no progress indicator at all can still make use of this functionality by creating custom links using the custom page link formatting instructions below.
Currently, this functionality is setup so that the page links are not activated until the user reaches the final page of the form. Users can then navigate freely to any page using the page step links (displayed above the form).
After reaching the last page, navigating back to any form page will display a link: Back to Last Page. Clicking this link will (you guessed it!) take the user back to the last page.
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