User Registration Style Customizer

[v1.0.4] Free Download User Registration Style Customizer

Gone are the days when registration forms used to look dull and boring. Now, you can easily style your registration forms according to your needs with the help of ourUser Registration Style Customizer Add-on. Using the Style Customizer Add-on, you can easily change the styling settings for every aspect of your registration forms. Also, it provides various features which makes changing the design of forms so much easier.

The add-on allows you to easily use the customize panel. You can customize your form according your requirements using the design editor tool.

Now, you can change the various design components such as Font size, Font color, background color, background image, Border, padding, margin, alignment and more. So, get your creative juices flowing as you customize the design.

With this amazing add-on, you get a live preview of your form as you make the changes in the form design. Hence, you know exactly how your form looks with after you customize right on the editor. No need to reload.

There are seperate options for customizing the designs for the form field such as Checkboxes, Radio and Multiple Choice.

If you are looking for an easier way to change the form style, you can find the pre-designed templates. You can choose from any of those pre-designed templates.

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