School Management – Management system for WordPress

[v7.3] Free Download School Management - Management system for WordPress

Download School Management 7.3 – It is a WordPress plugin to manage multiple schools and their entities such as classes, sections, students, exams, ID cards, admission cards, teachers, staff, fees, bills, income, expenses, bulletin boards, materials study and much more. Payment gateway: Paypal, Stripe, Pesapal, Paystack, Razorpay, PayTM
SMS service provider: Nexmo, Twilio, MsgClub, SMS Striker, Msg91, TextLocal, EBulkSMS, Infigo SMS

Multiple School Management: – Add multiple schools, assign administrators and classes to each school to manage individual schools.

Session management: – Create a new session and keep all records of previous sessions.

Manage classes and sections: – Administrators can create classes and assign them to schools. With each class, there can be multiple class sections.

Student Management: – Administrators and school personnel with the necessary permissions can enter the school in a new way by assigning them an admission number, class, section, and list number. Additionally, for each student registration in a session, a new enrollment number is automatically generated.

Query Management: – Shows the query form of a school on a page using shortcode. Also, receive school-wide inquiries, add the next follow-up date and notes for the inquiry.

Student Promotion: – Promote students to a new class for a new session. This creates a new student enrollment for the next session.

Student transfer: – Transfer students from one school to another. This also tracks students transferred and transferred from school.

Student Attendance: – Take daily student attendance. Print the attendance sheet for a class. Additionally, students can view their attendance report on the dashboard.

Student Dashboard: – Students view their rate report, admission details, ID card, etc. and pay the remaining fees using the appropriate payment method.

Roles and permissions: – Create personalized roles as teachers, accountants and assign them the necessary permissions according to the role so that they are restricted to the management of the school entities assigned to them.

Assign administrators and school staff: – Administrators of various schools assign an administrator to a school. The school administrator can create any number of staff with roles to manage the school.

Noticeboard Widget – Has a bulletin board widget that displays notices in the widget section of your website. Here, you can change the number of ads, the height and width of the widget to incorporate the design of your website.

Distribute study materials: – School personnel with the necessary permission may add study materials from classes. These study materials will appear in the Student Dashboard section, allowing them to download and view study materials.

Homework for Students: – School staff and teachers with the necessary permission can add homework from classes. These Home Works will appear in the Student Dashboard section and students will receive SMS notification, Home Works SMS details can be sent to parents and students.

Automatic notifications by email, SMS and personalized templates: – Send SMS and email notifications to students at the time of new admissions, generation of invoices, generation of payment receipts, etc. SMS providers include Nexmo, Twilio, MsgClub, SMS Striker, Msg91 SMS, TextLocal and more.

Exam Management: – Create an exam, add exams, exam center, times, date and room number for single or multiple classes.

Post exam time table: – Option to post the exam time table to be displayed on the student dashboard or you can use the short code to display the exam time table on a particular page of your website.

Generate admission cards: – For each exam, generate admission cards for students. Also, post admission cards that students can download from the student panel section.

Accounting management: includes the generation of fee invoices, fee collection, revenue management and expense management.

Generate fee invoices: – Select students from classes and generate fee invoices in bulk or for a single student. This also supports partial collection of payments or single collection.

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