WPS Booster WP-Script

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[v2.0.1] Free Download WPS Booster WP-Script

Turn your site into a huge site

Keep your visitors on your site. No more 0 views / 0 likes that make them leave! Take the control over your views and likes.

Boost views and rating

Change the views and likes/dislikes on your videos in no time within the range you want (ie. between 1,500 and 10,000 views).

Manual Boost

Boost views and rating on all your existing videos within the range you want. Repeat this whenever you want.

Auto Boost

Boost views and rating on any new video added on your site. Whether this video is added manually or automatically by a plugin.

Synergy with WPS plugins

Import videos with WPS Mass Embedder or WPS Single Embedder plugins and boost the videos views and ratings instantly.

Compatible with WP-Script Themes

This plugin is currently compatible with WP-Script themes only but a fully compatibility with any WP Theme is on the way.

Powerful and Easy to use

Just setup the ranges you want for both manual and auto boost for views and rating. That’s it!

Neat admin UI

We use VueJs + RxJS to bring you the best user experience. Everything is smooth and well controlled to prevent server overcharge.Demo LinkDirect Download

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